Within the last one hundred years, people around the world have reported a glittery cloud that sometimes appears in worship services—from house churches in Brazil to mega-churches in California. The cloud is described as a glittering swarm of gold-like particles which settles downward on people, then vanishes upward. It cannot be wiped off, but comes and goes as it pleases. Others describe the substances as more like jewels or more like feathers. Some pastors have said the cloud sometimes is so thick around them as they preach they had trouble seeing through it. Though there are references in the Old Testament of God appearing in a cloud or leading His people by a pillar of a cloud, there is no reference to this so-called "glory cloud" in the Bible.
It's essential to prioritize God's Word over sensationalized experiences such as the “glory cloud.” The Old Testament depicts clouds as symbols of God's presence, guidance, and communication, emphasizing reverence and obedience rather than spectacle. The New Testament uses clouds to reveal Christ’s return in judgment. In our pursuit of spiritual growth and worship, we should seek after God's glory by faithfully studying and applying His Word. We should live according to the Spirit, who dwells in all believers, not chasing after sensationalized experiences. This involves cultivating a deep, personal relationship with God through prayer, Scripture study, and obedience to His commands. By staying grounded in biblical truth and seeking genuine relationship with God, we can honor Him authentically and avoid the distractions of sensationalism, focusing instead on glorifying God in all aspects of our lives.