Is there evidence that giants, as mentioned in the Bible, existed?

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Giants are mentioned in the Bible; and archaeology, art, and extrabiblical sources seem to corroborate their existence. God’s response to giants in the Bible reminds us not to fear but to instead trust in the One who is greater than any giant.

from the old testament

  • The most famous biblical account of a giant is Goliath (1 Samuel 17). Others include Goliath the Gittite and the giants at Gath (2 Samuel 21:19–22), Og the king of Bashan (Deuteronomy 3:11), the people of Canaan (Numbers 13:30–33), and the Anakites (Deuteronomy 9:1–2).
  • There are accounts of giants in other historical sources, such as the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, and the writings of Josephus, a Jewish historian. These books relate to us stories of actual people engaged with giants in non-fiction accounts. Josephus tells of a camp of Hebrews who moved to Hebron and there found "the race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are still shown to this very day."
  • The Bible mentions the Book of Jasher (Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18) along with the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. All give accounts of the ancient world and reflect the passage in Genesis 6:1–4 that tells of fallen angels impregnating human women to produce Nephilim—giants. This is the introduction to the account of Noah, who was found to be "blameless in his generation" (Genesis 6:9), which could be interpreted as being purely human and not having a bloodline crossed by the Nephilim. However, the Anakim and the Rephaim were mentioned after the flood, indicating that some giants remained, or that the fallen angels resumed their relations with human women after the flood.

from the new testament

  • Giants are not mentioned in the New Testament.

implications for today

In the Bible, God encourages the Israelites not to fear the giants when they are preparing to enter the Promised Land. One notable instance is found in Numbers 14:9, where Caleb, one of the spies who explored the land of Canaan, reassures the people, saying, "Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the Lord is with us; do not fear them." This declaration emphasizes God's promise of presence and protection amidst challenges that seem impossible. The command not to fear resonates with believers today, reminding us that God's faithfulness transcends daunting circumstances. Just as He assured the Israelites of His strength against seemingly insurmountable foes, we are encouraged to trust in God's providence and face our own giants—whether they be doubts, obstacles, or uncertainties—with faith and courage, knowing that our God sees us, cares for us, and is in control (Matthew 10:31; Luke 12:32; 2 Timothy 1:7). By leaning on God's promises and steadfast presence, we can confront challenges boldly, knowing that He goes before us and equips us for every battle we face.


  • Giants are mentioned in the Bible, notably Goliath, Og, and the Anakites.
  • Genesis 6:1–4 suggests giants (Nephilim) were offspring of unions between "sons of God" (interpreted as fallen angels) and human women.
  • Other ancient texts like the Book of Enoch and Josephus' writings also discuss giants, providing additional context beyond biblical accounts.


  • How does God’s call to the Israelites to not fear the giants challenge or encourage you?
  • Reflect on Caleb's courage in Numbers 14:9. How can you trust in God's promise of protection to face your own fears and obstacles?
  • What questions arise as you reflect on the fading out of the giant race in the Bible?


  • Archaeologists have found very large bones in addition to weaponry and other artifacts that could have been used only by very large people. Stonehenge could have been set up by giants, some scientists say. However, most archaeological theories about giants are met with skepticism. The scientific evidence for giants is mostly circumstantial, but that doesn't mean there weren't giants.
  • Ancient drawings and artwork depicting giants, such as those found on Egyptian jars and in tombs, are thought to be representations of gods or kings. Their large size is thought to have represented a person's power or importance. However, relative size is not always easy to interpret. In fact, no culture produced true-to-life anatomically-sized art until the Renaissance. Often, children were depicted as the same as adults, just smaller. So it's difficult to determine that there were or were not giants by explaining away ancient art of very large people.
  • How do the biblical accounts of giants in the Old Testament align with or differ from other ancient texts and archaeological findings?