God sent Jesus at the precise moment in history to fulfill His promises at a time when the world was ready. Throughout the Old Testament, God had been preparing humanity for this moment by revealing His holiness and humanity's need for a Savior through the law and prophetic promises (Galatians 3:24, Hebrews 10:1-4). He prepared them by pursuing His people, revealing His characters and promises to them, and calling them to be lights to the world (Genesis 12:1-3). Jesus came with all that as a backdrop in a time where other details made it possible to receive Christ. The timing of Jesus' birth, for example, was aligned with the peaceful state of the Roman Empire, which gave opportunity for the gospel to be communicated and spread (Acts 16:6-10, Acts 17:21). The world was spiritually hungry, with many seeking the promised Messiah and a deeper truth (John 4:25). God specifically sent Jesus when He did, in the "fullness of time," showing His sovereignty in orchestrating history for humanity's redemption and teaching us that He is in control of every detail of our lives (Galatians 4:4).
God is the God who works through human history, intricately weaving His plans into the fabric of time. Jesus' arrival on Earth was not a random event but a moment carefully pre-ordained and divinely orchestrated from the beginning of time. His birth was not only prophesied but also strategically timed, coming at the precise moment in history when the world was ready to hear and understand His message. The Roman Empire's dominance provided roads for travel, a common language for communication, and a framework for the spread of the gospel, all of which were part of God's grand design. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection were not only essential for our salvation but also revealed God’s profound love and purpose for humanity. After Jesus' ascension, the situation proved custom-made for the spread of the gospel. The sack of Jerusalem in AD 70, although tragic to the Jewish people, caused hundreds of Christ-followers to escape to Asia, Africa, and Europe to spread their beliefs. They influenced Gentiles, who in turn joined the Roman army and took the gospel to places as far away as Britain. The persecution of Christians by the Roman government had a similar effect, both strengthening the faith of believers and leading them to flee with the message of Christ. If God could meticulously arrange such a pivotal moment in history for our redemption, we can rest assured that He is in control of every detail of our own lives and that He loves us immensely. Trusting Him with our lives, knowing He is sovereign over time and eternity, is not only reasonable but essential to living with peace and purpose.