How was the earth divided in Peleg's time?

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The earth was divided in Peleg’s time because of the Tower of Babel. The division of the earth by languages shows God’s sovereignty and reveals that nothing can hinder His purposes.

from the old testament

  • Peleg's time is tied to the tower of Babel in Genesis 10 and 11. In that account, God confused the languages of the people who built a tower to the heavens to "make a name" for themselves. The people were then scattered throughout the earth.
  • In Genesis 10:25 (and repeated in 1 Chronicles 1:19) it is recorded that in Peleg's time the earth was divided. In Genesis 11, God scattered the people after confusing their language. Later in that chapter, Peleg's family is mentioned again. The Tower of Babel and subsequent confusing of the languages and scattering of the people is what divided the earth.
  • Though most languages were developed after Babel, many of their linguistic roots can be traced back into antiquity. Language is still a dividing force.

from the new testament

  • Peleg is mentioned in Luke 3:35, in the New Testament, in the genealogy of Jesus.

implications for today

Nothing stops God's designs and plans, not building our own way to God or monuments of pride, not differences in languages, not division between people groups. The earth being divided reveals our sinfulness and need for a Savior. Peleg, highlighted in Genesis is also mentioned in Jesus' genealogy. Mentioning him in the midst of the people's sin and pride reveals God's goodness even when all around us corruption and pride rule and reign. We can trust God, knowing that nothing can thwart His plans. Although the people tried to thwart God’s plans by their disobedience in not spreading out and instead building the Tower of Babel, God accomplished His will and purposes; He is sovereign over even our sin and will use it for good for those who trust in Him (Romans 8:28). Trusting in God's sovereignty means understanding that no barrier is too great for Him to overcome. Like He worked through Peleg to bring Jesus into the world, God has a purpose for each of us that will prevail despite any circumstances. Therefore, let's trust in God and walk by faith, knowing that God's unstoppable will is at work in our lives today.


  • Peleg's time is linked to the Tower of Babel, where languages were confused, and people were scattered due to man’s disobedience.
  • During Peleg's time, God divided the earth by languages.
  • Peleg is mentioned in Jesus' genealogy in Luke 3:35.


  • How does the story of the Tower of Babel and the division of the earth by languages reflect God's sovereignty and control over human history?
  • How does seeing God’s judgment in confusing the languages and scattering the people, and watching His sovereign purposes prevailing, encourage you to walk by faith and obedience?
  • Reflect on Peleg's inclusion in Jesus' genealogy. How does this encourage you to trust in God's plan for your life despitesin running rampant around you?


  • How do you interpret the significance of the Tower of Babel story in relation to the division of the earth and its implications for humanity?
  • What examples of language or cultural barriers still divide people today? How can we overcome these barriers?
  • Considering Peleg's mention in Jesus' genealogy, discuss how God's plan is often fulfilled despite human disobedience or division. How can understanding this encourage our faith and unity as believers?