what does the bible say?
A worldview is a collection of values, beliefs, assumptions, and cultural norms that shape how a person understands reality, identity, and purpose. A biblical (creationist) worldview interprets the world and life based on the Bible and God's revealed truth, including creation as described in Genesis. An evolutionary worldview relies solely on scientific knowledge and reason to reveal who we are and what we should do with our lives. These are two opposing worldviews. Your position impacts how you view the world, that is, how you view self, others, and make daily decisions. Depending on their worldview, people will make radically different decisions regarding cheating, lying, stealing, adultery, abortion, murder, morality, and how to define good and evil, right and wrong. A creation-based biblical worldview guides our life in a way that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6) while lovingly serving others (Mark 9:35). The Bible does not say anything specific regarding evolution, but it does warn us about falling prey to seductive worldly philosophies that disregard God (Colossians 2:8). Creation is the foundation for key biblical doctrines including sin, redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ.