How does creationism vs evolution impact how a person views the world?

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Creationism and evolution are opposing views of our origins, and these views significantly impact our worldview. A person's worldview directly impacts daily life and eternal destiny.

from the old testament

  • Genesis 1:1 tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This verse establishes the fact that the eternal God exists, and that He created the material universe out of nothing.
  • Genesis 1-2 gives the history of creation. This text tells us about the miracle of how God created the earth and life. God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:26-28).
  • Genesis 3 tells the story of paradise lost by the willfulness of human sin. The consequences of Adam and Eve's sin was removal from the perfect environment God created to a world of pain, conflict and physical death. Yet our fair and loving Creator provided the only means possible for redemption and salvation through Jesus Christ (Genesis 3:15; John 3:16).

from the new testament

  • Those who adhere to creationism believe that God's fingerprint on creation is undeniable: "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So, they are without excuse" (Romans 1:20).
  • Colossians 2:8 warns believers against following worldly philosophies based on human tradition. Paul does not condemn philosophy as such, but he condemns false philosophy, which seduces believers from the simplicity of their faith in Christ. A system of thought that denies special creation also denies Christ's words. Christ not only confirmed the creation of life (Matthew 19:4-6), He was also the Creator (John 1:1-5; Colossians 1:16-17). Believers should focus on truth, and on Christ, not on man-made approaches to life's problems that disregard God.

implications for today

Creationism and evolution are two opposing views on the origin of life, and the role of science and religion in explaining it. Creationism is the belief that God created the universe and all life out of nothing as described in Genesis. Evolutionary theory proposes that life evolved from inorganic compounds, and that new species appear through biological mechanisms such as natural selection and genetic mutation. Prior to the advent of Darwinism, most Christians believed in a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account. Most believed the earth was relatively young, although some allowed for a longer timeframe for creation. The debate over young earth versus old earth today is a matter of biblical interpretation, since both are creationist views that accept Biblical authority.

Even though most people do not acknowledge it, the morality and rules that most humans adhere to have their basis in the Bible, specifically in the literal history of Genesis. Apart from biblical creation, morality has no justification. Darwinian evolution provides no foundation for ethics, no universal moral code that all people should adhere to and no meaning for life. One result of an evolutionary worldview is that it causes people to be inconsistent in their decisions impacting self and others. A biblical worldview, on the other hand, gives a consistent, hopeful framework for guiding life.


  • Creationism is based on the Bible’s account of God creating the universe, while evolution relies on natural processes and scientific explanations.
  • Creationism provides a biblical basis for absolute moral standards, whereas evolution lacks a universal ethical foundation.
  • Creationism views humans as created with inherent purpose, while evolution sees humans as a product of random processes, impacting views on identity and purpose.


  • How does a creationist perspective impact your views of purpose and identity?
  • What does creationism teach you about who God is and His relationship with humanity?
  • How would belief in evolution impact your view of God, humanity, and purpose?


  • What impact might an evolutionary perspective have on personal responsibility and societal norms as opposed to creationism?
  • How do varying interpretations of Genesis affect the creation vs. evolution debate and its implications for science and faith?
  • How does creationism or evolution shape your understanding of human purpose?