Are colors in the Bible significant?

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Colors in the Bible have often been misused in mystical ways to communicate special properties or ideas that the text did not intend. However, colors in the Bible are sometimes significant.

from the old testament

  • In Ecclesiastes 9:8, we read, "Let your garments be always white. Let not oil be lacking on your head." It is clear that white was associated with purity.
  • Lamentations 4:8 included black associated with mourning: "Now their face is blacker than soot; they are not recognized in the streets."
  • Black was often associated with darkness and contrasted with light in the Bible (Job 3:5; Isaiah 5:20).
  • Purple is seen as a color of royalty. The kings of Midian wore purple (Judges 8:26), as did Mordecai (Esther 8:15) and King Belshazzar (Daniel 5:7).
  • Purple, blue, scarlet, and gold were all used in connection with the Jewish priests in Exodus.
  • Blue was often associated with purple in connection with the priests in Exodus.
  • Green has long been associated with growth, an emphasis seen in the Bible. Psalm 52:8 notes, "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever." Psalm 92:14 adds, "They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green." Psalm 23 speaks of lying down in green pasture.

from the new testament

  • In Revelation 1:14, Jesus is described using the color white for His hair: "The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire." White is often symbolic of purity or holiness in Scripture.
  • The black horse in Revelation 6:5 represented judgment.
  • In ancient times, purple was often considered a color of royalty. On the day Jesus was crucified, a purple robe was placed on Him: "And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe" (John 19:2).
  • Red was often associated with blood and violence. The clearest biblical example is found in Revelation 6:4: "And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword."
  • Gold and silver were considered colors of influence and wealth. This was largely due to the cultural connection of these colors with gold and silver metals used as currency. While gold and silver were often associated with riches, Jesus was also betrayed for thirty pieces of silver.

implications for today

Understanding biblical symbolism requires a holistic, biblical, contextual approach to ensure we don’t impose meanings that the text does not intend. While colors in the Bible can have significant symbolic meanings—such as white representing purity, black symbolizing mourning or judgment, and purple denoting royalty—we must avoid reading too much into these symbols or attributing mystical properties to them. By understanding what these symbols mean in context, we can appreciate the depth and richness of biblical narratives without overextending their intended symbolism. It's essential to let the context and broader message of Scripture guide our understanding, ensuring that our interpretations remain grounded in the text itself.


  • Colors are mentioned in the Bible, but they do not always have a significant spiritual significance.
  • Some colors in the Bible do have greater symbolic significance.
  • When a color has a specific meaning, that meaning is made clear by the text.


  • How do you respond to the idea that some colors in the Bible have symbolic meanings while others do not?
  • When has understanding the context of a biblical color deepened your insight of a passage?
  • How can you understand the symbolic meanings of colors like white (purity), black (mourning), and purple (royalty) to better understand the truth that God conveys by using these colors in Scripture?


  • Some people attribute and overemphasize symbolic meanings to colors, numbers, and other objects in the Bible. Scripture is deep enough by itself and does not need us to add more meaning to things in order for truth to be conveyed.
  • How can we approach the study of symbols in the Bible to ensure we respect their intended meanings, not overemphasizing them?
  • How can understanding the significance of colors in the Bible enrich our Bible study?