The Book of Life – What is it?

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The Book of Life, mentioned in Revelation, is a heavenly record of believers. Those not found in the Book of Life face eternal separation from God.

from the old testament

  • Moses speaks of a book where God records names, asking to be blotted out if God will not forgive the people's sin. This book seems similar to, but is not directly identified as the same as, the Book of Life in Revelation (Exodus 32:32–33).
  • Psalm 69:28 mentions "the book of the living," where David poetically requests the removal of his enemies. This is different from the Book of Life in Revelation, focusing more on earthly life and righteousness.

from the new testament

  • The dead are judged according to their deeds, and those not in the Book of Life are thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:12–15).
  • Jesus promises that those who remain faithful will never have their names erased from the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5).
  • Paul refers to fellow workers in Christ whose names are in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3).
  • Salvation and inclusion in the Book of Life are by grace through faith, not by works (Ephesians 2:8–9).
  • Those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will worship the beast, highlighting the divide between believers and unbelievers in the end times (Revelation 13:8; 17:8).

implications for today

The Book of Life serves as both a comfort and a warning. Believers find assurance in their eternal security, knowing their names are written in this heavenly record. This reinforces the importance of faith in Jesus Christ, as salvation cannot be earned by works. For unbelievers, the Book of Life stresses the urgency of accepting Christ to avoid eternal separation from God. This should encourage self-examination among believers. The Book of Life ultimately points to God's sovereignty, justice, and grace. Our eternal destiny hinges on our relationship with Jesus.


  • The Book of Life is a heavenly record in Revelation containing names of believers.
  • Believers' names in this book ensure eternal security in Christ.
  • Salvation comes through faith in Jesus, not by works; those not in the Book of Life face eternal separation from God.


  • How does your understanding of the Book of Life influence your assurance of eternal security in Christ?
  • What changes have you noticed in your priorities or perspectives as you consider the significance of the Book of Life in your life?
  • How does the concept of the Book of Life shape your understanding of God's grace and justice in relation to your own life and the lives of others?


  • Some people are terrified about the Book of Life, worried that they will not be in it or that they can be removed from it. How can you assure and encourage someone who fears the Book of Life with what God’s Word says about it?
  • How does the assurance of having our names written in the Book of Life affect the way we approach God and our faith?
  • What implications are there in understanding the Book of Life as we share the gospel with others?