In the Bible, Gabriel is exclusively presented as a bearer of God's messages to man and appears to three people. Gabriel appeared to Daniel to help him understand a vision of God. The vision, as described in Daniel 8, included a ram and a goat, symbolizing the conflicts between the Medo-Persian Empire and the Greek Empire, including the rise of a prominent king who would oppose God's people. Later Gabriel again came to Daniel and gave him the prophecy of seventy weeks, including the restoration of Jerusalem, the coming of an anointed one who would be cut off, a period of intense persecution, and the eventual establishment of God’s justice (Daniel 9:20–27). Gabriel also appeared to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist (Luke 1:5–25), and he appeared to Mary, the virgin mother of Christ (Luke 1:26–38). Gabriel told Mary to name the baby Jesus, and he also gave her the news that Jesus would reign over a kingdom without end. Just as Gabriel proclaimed God’s messages, God’s Word proclaims His messages to us, giving us hope.
Reflecting on the role of Gabriel in the Bible, we see a powerful reminder of how God communicates His plans and purposes. For instance, Gabriel's messages to Daniel were not just about foretelling future events but also about instilling hope and understanding during times of distress, revealing who God was and what He would do to provide this hope. In contrast, Gabriel's interactions with Zechariah and Mary were filled with comforting assurances and revelations of God’s redemptive work through the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. Those messages also came with power and confirmation.
We must be listening to God's messages, whether He is speaking through His Word, circumstances, or others who are sharing truth. God sent Gabriel to bring clarity and hope in the midst of confusion and fear. God can still send angels today (Hebrews 1:14). But even better, we have the revelation of Jesus (Hebrews 1:1–4), the written Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16–17), and the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26; 16:8–15). The Holy Spirit indwells all who are in Christ, and He can give us wisdom and hope (John 14:16–17; 1 Corinthians 2:14–16; James 1:2–8). He helps us understand God's Word, live out His ways, and discern His will for our personal lives. We can and should seek God's guidance always, and particularly in our own moments of uncertainty (Psalm 119:105; Proverbs 3:5–6; Matthew 6:25–34; James 4:14–15). God's presence and grace sustains us in our own lives and gives us hope. We can take comfort in knowing that, like Mary, we are not alone in our journey, and that God’s Word is meant to guide, comfort, and transform us.