What is alabaster? What are the stories in the Bible with an alabaster box?

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Alabaster is a precious stone known for its beauty and strength. The giving of alabaster boxes to Jesus calls us to extravagant love and worship.

from the old testament

  • Alabaster is a beautiful, precious stone and was used to add beauty to Solomon's temple, similar to marble (1 Chronicles 29:2). Alabaster is a strong, dense stone, similar to marble, that can be found in Israel and the surrounding areas.
  • The bride in Song of Solomon used the description "alabaster columns," or "pillars of marble" in some translations, to describe the well-formed, strong legs of her lover (Song of Solomon 5:15).

from the new testament

  • Two stories in the Bible mention an alabaster box of perfume. The two stories are very similar: both involve a woman who brings an alabaster box of perfume or ointment with which to anoint Jesus, and both women bring the alabaster box to Jesus while He is sitting down at a meal in the house of a man named Simon (a common name at that time), but they are two different women and occurred at two different times. There is also a third account of Jesus being anointed, but no alabaster flask is mentioned (John 12:1–8).
  • The first woman who brought an alabaster box to anoint Jesus was called "a sinner" which meant she was living a sinful lifestyle, perhaps of prostitution. She approached Jesus in the house of Simon the Pharisee (Luke 7:36–50). Her name is not known, but she is said to have been forgiven of much sin. This woman, who was forgiven much and therefore loved much, is compared to the weak love of Simon and the other Pharisees, who loved Jesus little. They thought their sins were also little, and that they had little need of forgiveness. The sinful woman's willingness to give Jesus the treasured ointment in her alabaster box is a symbol of her great love and need for Jesus—something the Pharisees could not understand, because of their pride. As Jesus elsewhere said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners" (Mark 2:17).
  • The second story about an alabaster box is also about an unnamed woman. It occurs at the house of Simon the leper (Matthew 26:6–13; Mark 14:3–9). When the woman anoints Jesus with the oil from the alabaster box, He blesses her, saying, "she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her" (Mark 14:8–9). This was a case of amazing faith—the woman had likely been listening to Jesus during His ministry and believed what He said: that He would die and be raised again and that He is the king (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33–34). The other disciples did not seem to believe it would happen. They perhaps thought He was speaking figuratively. However, it seems that this woman believed Him—despite how confusing it must have been to her based on the common expectations of the Messiah. Jesus' blessing is an indication that this woman's faith is a faith that every believer should emulate (Mark 14:3–9).

implications for today

These stories of the alabaster box teach us about extravagant love and worship. The women who brought the alabaster boxes exemplified total surrender, recognizing their need for forgiveness, and showing profound love and gratitude towards Jesus. Their acts challenge us to love Jesus wholeheartedly, understand the depth of His forgiveness, and have unwavering faith in His promises, even when they seem beyond comprehension. As we do this, we worship Him. The women’s generosity and prioritization of honoring Jesus over social norms or material concerns inspire us to worship Christ and to honor Him above all else, believing in Jesus' words without doubt. Ultimately, these stories remind us to give our best to God, remembering His sacrifice for us and living lives marked by extravagant love and unwavering faith.


  • Alabaster is a precious stone that is known for its beauty and strength. It was used in Solomon's temple and was often used for storing perfume.
  • In Song of Solomon, alabaster symbolizes strength and beauty.
  • Two stories involve women anointing Jesus with perfume from an alabaster box, illustrating extravagant love and worship.


  • How does the symbolism of alabaster encourage or challenge you?
  • Looking at the stories related to the alabaster box, how does your own love and devotion to Jesus compare and how are you challenged by their actions?
  • Consider the forgiveness shown to the sinful woman. How does this story impact your understanding of God's grace and your own need for forgiveness?


  • Many people question if there is one story, two stories, or three stories of a woman anointing Jesus. How can we come to understand this supposed contradiction?
  • How do the reactions of the Pharisees contrast with the actions of the woman in Luke 7? How do the disciples' reactions to the anointings of Jesus in Matthew 26, Mark 14, and John 12 contrast with the women who anointed Him? What does this reveal about different attitudes toward Jesus?
  • Jesus praised the faith of the woman who anointed Him for burial. How does her act demonstrate faith, and what can we learn from her example about trusting in Jesus' words?