Satan cannot read minds or access all human thoughts, as only God possesses this divine knowledge (1 Kings 8:39). While Satan and demons may observe and infer from some of our behaviors, they lack the ability to fully know our hearts and minds, as seen in Job 1:7, where Satan reports on his observations rather than demonstrating mind-reading abilities. The New Testament shows that Satan, though aware of some temptations (Matthew 4:1–11), is limited in his knowledge and ultimately defeated through the power of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 6:11). Christians are called to resist temptation by relying on God’s superior power, knowing that He alone knows our hearts and provides the strength to overcome (1 John 3:20).
Though Satan's power is limited, he is still powerful. This is why the Bible calls us to resist the devil (James 4:7). It is a spiritual battle to defeat Satan, not an easy task. Instead of pretending temptation is not real and that Satan's tricks are of no influence, we should admit our limited power, apart from the Holy Spirit, to resist temptation and overcome evil. For example, Adam and Eve regularly experienced God's presence in the Garden of Eden. However, they listened to the temptation of Satan and sinned as a result. Our experience is similar. As Christians, we have God's presence in our lives, yet temptation is still very real. We must continue to live in close fellowship with the Lord and recognize when temptation seeks to turn us from God's ways. The devil is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). To defeat his attacks, we must be aware of Satan's power and seek to use God's power and trust in His Word to overcome his attacks. Satan is powerful, but not compared to God's power. The believer who lives by the Spirit of God can resist Satan's attacks and overcome temptation, knowing that Satan does not know our thoughts. But God does and even knows the true intent of our hearts (Proverbs 21:12; 1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:10). First John 3:20 reminds us, “For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.” He alone can help us withstand temptation and the devastation of sin.