Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

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Rebekah was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Rebekah’s life warns us of favoritism and encourages us that God uses flawed people in His plans.

from the old testament

  • God had chosen Abraham to be the father of a nation of people set apart from the rest of the world. Abraham faithfully followed God as He asked him to leave behind the community and way of life he had known. It was important for Abraham to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac. He did not want his son to marry a Canaanite since they worshiped pagan gods, so Abraham sent a servant to the city of Nahor where his brother lived to pick a wife for Isaac from within the family (Genesis 24:2–4).
  • Abraham's servant had faith in God just like his master. While on his journey he prayed that God would show him the right woman for Isaac by bringing her to draw him and his camels water from the well where they waited. God answered the servant's prayer as a young woman named Rebekah came and gave him and his camels water (Genesis 24:12–14).
  • Rebekah was Abraham's great niece (Genesis 24:15). She gave the servant water and welcomed him to stay at her parent's home. Her parents and brother consulted her before agreeing to the marriage offer presented by the servant and she consented (Genesis 24:15–67).
  • After Isaac and Rebekah were married, they had trouble having children. "And Isaac prayed to the LORD for his wife, because she was barren. And the LORD granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived" (Genesis 25:21). God answered Isaac's prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. During her rough pregnancy God revealed to Rebekah that her sons would become two conflicting nations. He also showed her that her younger son would rule over his older brother. Jacob, the second born, would become the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, and Esau, the firstborn, would be the father of the Edomites.
  • As the boys grew it was clear that Isaac favored Esau and that Rebekah favored Jacob (Genesis 25:27–28). Rebekah and Jacob shared a family trait of deception. Jacob took advantage of Esau and got him to hand over his birthright (Genesis 25:29–34) and later, under his mother's persuasion, tricked his father into giving him Esau's blessing (Genesis 27). Both suffered consequences for these actions: Jacob was forced to flee to his mother's brother Laban, and thus Rebekah lost her son. Although Jacob's and Rebekah's actions were sinful, God still worked through them to fulfill His promise of making Abraham a great nation. God confirmed the covenant He made with Abraham to his son Isaac and then to Jacob (Genesis 35:9–15).

from the new testament

  • Rebekah is mentioned in Romans 9:10 in talking about God’s sovereignty and election. These verses from Romans illustrate that being Jewish alone does not determine one's salvation and status as a child of God.

implications for today

Rebekah's story is a great example of God's sovereignty and how God blesses those who are faithful to Him. While Abraham and his descendants were far from perfect, they were the ones God chose to bring about His plan for redemption for the world. It was not their actions that made them different, but their choice to trust in God.


  • God chose Abraham to lead a distinct nation, and he faithfully sought a suitable wife for Isaac from his own family, avoiding pagan influences. This wife was Rebekah.
  • Rebekah gave birth to twins, Jacob and Esau, which fulfilled God’s promises.
  • Despite Rebekah’s flaws and deception, God still used her to fulfill His promises, emphasizing that His plans rely on divine sovereignty and faith, not lineage.


  • How does Rebekah's story challenge you to examine your own tendencies towards favoritism or deception in your relationships?
  • In what ways can you trust God's sovereignty and faithfulness even when you see your own flaws and shortcomings?
  • How can you cultivate a faith that relies on God’s promises rather than your own actions or background?


  • What lessons can we learn from Abraham’s and his servant’s faith in finding a wife for Isaac that apply to making important decisions in our own lives?
  • How does Rebekah’s life illustrate the importance of faith in God's plan despite human flaws?
  • How does Rebekah’s story in both the Old and New Testaments help us understand the concept of divine sovereignty and election with human responsibility?