what does the bible say?
Paul embarked on his third missionary journey, recorded in Acts 18:23—21:17, after updating his home church in Antioch in Syria about his previous missions. In AD 52, he revisited the churches in Galatia and Ephesus, where he encountered believers with incomplete understanding. Paul was able to clarify doctrinal truths that were essentials of the gospel. Paul spent significant time in Ephesus, where he faced opposition but continued to preach and perform miracles. Feeling led by the Holy Spirit to continue, Paul sent Timothy ahead and traveled through Macedonia, facing threats but continuing to preach. Despite warnings, Paul proceeded to Jerusalem, where he was received warmly but eventually faced imprisonment, aligning with God's plan for him to testify in Rome as confirmed later in Acts 23:11. Paul's journey exemplifies reliance on God's guidance, perseverance in spreading the gospel, and trust in God's providence despite challenges.