The Olivet Discourse – What is it?

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The Olivet Discourse is Jesus’ teaching on the end times. Jesus spoke of what is to come so people will be warned and prepared of what is to come, revealing His great love for us.

from the old testament

  • The Olivet Discourse references the period of time described as the seven-year tribulation that will take place before the second coming of Jesus (Daniel 9:27).

from the new testament

  • The Olivet Discourse is the name given to the passage containing Jesus' teaching on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24:1—25:46 (also Mark 13:1–37; Luke 21:5–36). It includes significant focus on prophecy regarding Israel's future.
  • Jesus predicted the destruction of the Jewish temple (Matthew 24:1–2). This took place at the hands of the Romans in AD 70.
  • Jesus spoke of signs of the end of the age. He refers to the seven-year tribulation period from Daniel 9 and later explained in Revelation 6—18. Matthew 24:4–8 describes events in the first half of the seven-year tribulation. This will include 1) false messiahs (Matthew 24:5), 2) wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6–7), 3) famines (Matthew 24:7), and 4) earthquakes (Matthew 24:7). Matthew 24:15–26 speaks of the second half of the tribulation. During this time 1) the temple will be desecrated, 2) Jews will flee to the mountains, 3) great judgments will occur, and 4) false christs and prophets will arise.
  • The coming of the Son of Man is mentioned in Matthew 24:29–31. 1) The "sun will be darkened" (Matthew 24:29), 2) the "stars will fall from heaven" (Matthew 24:29), 3) the "powers of the heavens will be shaken" (Matthew 24:29), 4) the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky (Matthew 24:30), 5) the people of earth will mourn (Matthew 24:30), 6) the Son of Man will come "on the clouds of heaven will power and great glory" (Matthew 24:30), and 7) His angels will gather the elect from the earth (Matthew 24:31).
  • Jesus taught the time was near but that no one would know exactly when it would be (Matthew 24:32–51). The faithful and wise servant was called to be prepared (Matthew 24:45–46). Those who are not prepared will experience judgment (Matthew 24:50–51).
  • Matthew 25 offers three parables to illustrate the teachings given by Jesus. They include the parable of the ten virgins, used to illustrate the need to be ready at any moment (Matthew 25:1–13). The parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14–30) was given to show the rewards and judgments that will be experienced at the end of time. The parable of the sheep and the goats speaks of those who showed their faith through righteous deeds to the "least of these" (Matthew 25:31–46). Those who do so will be rewarded; those who do not will "go away into eternal punishment" (Matthew 25:46).

implications for today

God calls us to believe, to live out our faith, and to share it with others. When we do, we will be ready whenever He returns and can expect great rewards and eternal life with our Lord in heaven. This active participation in God's kingdom work not only prepares us for His return but also deepens our relationship with Him and strengthens our witness to the world. As we eagerly await His coming, we find joy and purpose in serving Him faithfully, knowing that our ultimate reward is to dwell in His presence forever. God wants us to be aware of what is coming, be prepared, and help others be prepared, because of His great love for us.


  • The Olivet Discourse is a prophecy about future events, including the destruction of the temple and signs preceding the end times.
  • The Olivet Discourse emphasizes watchfulness and readiness for Christ's return.
  • The Olivet Discourse contains practical teachings on living faithfully and responsibly until that time.


  • How does the Olivet Discourse challenge your perspective on the urgency of living out your faith in today's world?
  • In what practical ways can you enhance your readiness for Christ's return, as encouraged by the teachings in the Olivet Discourse?
  • Reflect on Jesus' warnings about false messiahs and deception. How can you strengthen your spiritual discernment in daily life?


  • How does the Olivet Discourse's emphasis on prophecy and the end times shape our understanding of God's plan for humanity?
  • What are some practical steps we can take individually and as a community to remain watchful and prepared for Christ's return, as discussed in the Olivet Discourse?
  • Consider the parables in the Olivet Discourse. How can we apply the principles of stewardship and justice in our interactions with others, especially those in need?