Who was LoT in the Bible?

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Lot was Abraham’s nephew who settled in the Jordan Valley when they parted ways. Lot’s life is a caution of the consequences of compromise.

from the old testament

  • Lot was the grandson of Terah and the nephew of Abraham. Terah had three sons: Abraham, Nahor, and Haran (Genesis 11:26). Haran fathered Lot but then died, so Lot was taken in by Terah and Abraham (Genesis 11:27–32). When Terah set out from their homeland of Ur to go to Canaan, Abraham and Lot went with him. Instead of reaching Canaan, the family settled in Haran. Eventually, God called Abraham to leave that land and continue the journey to Canaan. Abraham obeyed, and Lot went along with him (Genesis 12:1–4).
  • When they left, Lot was fully grown and owned his own flocks and livestock. Both he and Abraham settled between Bethel and Ai, but the land there could not support both their households. Abraham decided they should separate and allowed Lot to choose which land he wanted to claim. Lot chose the Jordan Valley next to the river and close to the city of Sodom (Genesis 13:5–11).
  • Lot got caught up in a war between the local kings. The king of Sodom was defeated and Lot and his family were captured as part of the plunder (Genesis 14:11–12). When Abraham heard of Lot's predicament, he rallied his own men, defeated the enemy king, and rescued Lot and his family (Genesis 14:14–16).
  • Later, angels came to Sodom to bear witness to the city's sinful ways (Genesis 13:13; 18:20–21). When these strangers entered the city, Lot invited them into his house, offering them a safe place to stay in the dangerous city. The men of Sodom came to Lot's house demanding that he release his guests so they could rape them. Lot begged them to stop their wicked ways and instead offered his daughters. The men of Sodom attacked Lot, but the guests pulled Lot safely inside with his daughters and struck the other men with blindness (Genesis 19:1–11).
  • The angels warned Lot to take his family and flee the city. God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, as He'd earlier indicated to Abraham, because of its wickedness (Genesis 18). Lot's future sons-in-law refused to leave, and Lot lingered in the city. Therefore the angels took Lot, his wife, and his daughters by the hand and rushed them outside the city, telling them to escape to the hills. Lot asked if he could, instead, go to the nearby city of Zoar. The angels agreed. When Lot and his family reached Zoar, the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and sulfur. Lot's wife looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:12–26). After losing his wife and watching Sodom and Gomorrah be destroyed, Lot was too afraid to settle in another city. Instead he chose to live in a cave in the hills (Genesis 19:30).
  • Lot's daughters, having lost their prospective husbands in Sodom and living in exile alone in the hills, decided to get their father drunk and use him to impregnate themselves. One daughter bore a son named Moab who became the father of the Moabites, and the other daughter bore Ben-Ammi who became the father of the Ammonites (Genesis 19:31–38). When the Israelites made their way to the Promised Land they were instructed to spare both these tribes due to their shared ancestry and God's promise to Lot (Deuteronomy 2:9, 19).

from the new testament

  • Despite Lot's choosing the best land for himself, offering his daughters to rapists, and living in fear at the end of his life, he is remembered as a righteous man who grieved over the wickedness of the people of Sodom and tried to turn them from their ways (2 Peter 2:7–9). Peter points to Lot as an example of someone God rescued and calls believers to have hope that God will rescue them as well.

implications for today

Lot's life vividly illustrates the issue of moral compromise and its consequences. When Lot chose to settle in the fertile plains of the Jordan Valley near Sodom and Gomorrah, he prioritized material prosperity over spiritual integrity. This decision set the stage for a series of compromises that eroded his moral standing. Living in a city known for its wickedness, Lot became desensitized to its pervasive sinfulness. This is starkly highlighted when he offered his daughters to the aggressive mob of Sodom to protect his angelic guests, a shocking action that reveals how deeply the city's depravity had influenced him. The corrupt environment of Sodom not only affected Lot but also his family, leading to the tragic loss of his wife and the moral confusion of his daughters. Sin leads to destruction, and compromise with sin is no different. God calls us to live wholeheartedly for Him (Psalm 119:10-11).

Despite his compromised state, Lot's story also reveals God’s faithfulness and mercy. While Lot's values and decisions reflect the corrupting influence of his environment, God intervened to save him and his family from the impending destruction of Sodom. This divine rescue demonstrates God's compassion and willingness to deliver those who have faltered but still seek righteousness. Lot's ultimate preservation, despite his significant moral failings, highlights the complex interplay between human weakness and divine grace. His story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of compromising one's values but also offers a powerful testament to the possibility of redemption through God's mercy.


  • Lot was cared for by his uncle, Abraham, after his father died.
  • When Abraham's and Lot's households grew too large, they separated.
  • Lot's choice of the Jordan Valley led to entanglement in Sodom's conflicts and other negative consequences.


  • When personal gain and spiritual integrity are at odds, how do you navigate decisions?
  • Reflect on Lot's story. What compromises have you made in your life that have led you away from your values or beliefs?
  • How do you see the influence of your environment shaping your decisions and actions, for better or for worse?


  • How do you interpret Lot's decision to offer his daughters to the men of Sodom? What does it reveal about the extent of his compromise and the influence of his environment?
  • Do you think Lot's rescue from Sodom's destruction was a result of his own righteousness, or was it solely due to God's mercy? Why?
  • Reflect on Lot's life. What lessons can we learn about the consequences of compromise and the importance of maintaining spiritual integrity in a morally challenging environment?