Who was Judas Maccabeus?

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Judas Maccabeus is not mentioned in the Bible. Judas Maccabeus is remembered for his influence in the Maccabean revolt, fighting for the Israelites’ freedom from oppressive rule.

from the old testament

  • Although Judas Maccabeus is not mentioned in the Bible, it is important to understand what occurred between the Old and New Testaments and how Judas Maccabeus played a role in it. At the end of the Old Testament, the Jews were living under Persian rule and had been allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. Around 333 BC, the Greek Empire, with Alexander the Great in the lead, conquered Israel and overthrew their Persian rulers. At first, the Jews were granted a measure of religious freedom. However, when Alexander the Great died, the empire was split between four successors and Israel ended up under Seleucid rule. Around 175 BC, Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes outlawed Jewish religious practice. Around 167 BC, he ordered that a pig be sacrificed to the Greek gods in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, thereby desecrating it. A Levite priest, Mattathias from the village of Modi'in, killed the Seleucid officer who brought the order as well as any Jew who would agree to such an unholy act. Thus, Mattathias and his five sons, one of whom was Judas Maccabeus, started this revolt in pursuit of religious freedom.
  • Mattathias died circa 166 BC and upon his deathbed appointed Judas as his successor. Judas was the third born son, but his military prowess made him the obvious choice to lead the rebellion. Judas used guerrilla warfare and surprise attacks to route the Seleucid army and won a string of battles. He defeated Apollonius and then used Apollonius's sword in every battle until his own death. Many Jews who had not yet joined the rebellion flocked to Judas after his victory over Apollonius. These victories using ferocious tactics earned Judas the nickname "the Hammer," or Maccabeus. Originally the name Maccabeus only referred to Judas, but later that name was used to signify all the family.
  • After several years of conflict, Judas and his men drove the Seleucids out of Jerusalem around 165 or 164 BC. Judas then purified and reconsecrated the temple on the 25th of Kislev (December 24th) thus restoring religious service there. This rededication of the temple was accompanied by God performing a miracle making one day's worth of oil burn in the lampstand (menorah) for eight days, just enough time for more oil to be consecrated. This miracle is still remembered and celebrated today with the holiday of Hanukkah.
  • The Roman Empire ended up defeating the Seleucids and making peace with Judas and his followers around 161 BC. However, surviving Seleucids did not abide by the peace agreement and instead sent an army to Elasa where they killed Judas and a small army in 160 BC. Judas's death renewed Jewish resistance to foreign rule. After several more years of war led by two of Judas's brothers, Jonathan and Simon, Jews achieved independence. Judas's brothers used an ancestor's name in establishing their own dynasty, the Hasmonean kings, but they could have just as easily been called Maccabean kings. Jewish independence lasted only about one hundred years before the Romans regained control through marriage and political intrigue.
  • It was into this political scene, where Jews remembered living in independence not that long ago, that Jesus the Messiah was born.
  • Judas Maccabeus would have likely been inspired by some of these verses from the Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4–9 for the faithful call to follow God, Psalm 69:9 calling the faithful followers of Yahweh to have zeal for God’s house, and Isaiah 41:10–13 revealing God’s promise to help and uphold His people.

from the new testament

  • Judas Maccabeus is not mentioned in the New Testament.

implications for today

Judas Maccabeus exemplifies how steadfast faith and courageous leadership can inspire and sustain a community during times of severe oppression. His unwavering commitment to God, even in the face of extreme adversity, showcases the importance of holding firm to one's beliefs. His leadership not only led to the rededication of the temple, celebrated today as Hanukkah, but also ignited a collective determination among the Jewish people to resist foreign rule and fight for their religious freedom. From Judas Maccabeus, we learn the powerful lesson that by staying true to our biblical convictions, leading with courage, and inspiring others, we can overcome great challenges and effect meaningful change in our communities.


  • Judas Maccabeus is detailed in 1 and 2 Maccabees, not the canonical Bible.
  • Judas Maccabeus led the revolt (167—160 BC) against Seleucid oppression, winning key battles and rededicating the temple, celebrated by Hanukkah.
  • Judas Maccabeus’s actions during the intertestamental period led to brief Jewish independence, influencing the political climate before Jesus' birth.


  • What do you allow to shape your convictions?
  • How can you demonstrate courage and leadership in your community or personal life, especially during difficult times?
  • Reflect on Judas Maccabeus's dedication to religious freedom. How important is it for you to actively preserve and practice your faith in today’s society?


  • What can we learn from the story of Judas Maccabeus about the importance of religious freedom and how it has shaped history?
  • How can the principles of faith and courage demonstrated by Judas Maccabeus be applied to challenges we face in our communities today?
  • Considering the historical context of the Maccabean Revolt, how did Judas Maccabeus’s actions influence the Jewish identity and the political climate leading up to the time of Jesus?