what does the bible say?
Jonah, a prophet sent to Nineveh, initially refused and fled from God's command, causing a storm at sea. Realizing he was the cause, Jonah asked to be thrown overboard, and a great fish swallowed him for three days. Upon being vomited onto shore, Jonah obeyed and preached to Nineveh, where everyone, including the king, repented. This miraculous conversion, along with the supernatural elements of Jonah's experience with the giant fish (or whale), is the reason why people find the book of Jonah difficult to believe. The Ninevites' worship of Dagon, a fish god, makes Jonah's story plausible to them. Jesus referenced Jonah, using it as a sign of his own death and resurrection, affirming its truthfulness, which leads believers to accept Jonah's story as a miraculous reality, akin to Jesus's resurrection. Yes, Jonah was swallowed by a great fish.