Who was Joanna in the Bible?

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Joanna was a woman who was healed by Jesus and chose to support and follow Him. Joanna shows us that God welcomes all to come to Him by faith.

from the old testament

  • Joanna is not mentioned in the Old Testament.

from the new testament

  • In Luke 8:1–3, Joanna is introduced as the wife of Chuza, who was the manager of Herod Antipas's household in Tiberias, the capital of Galilee. Thus, Joanna was a woman with access to wealth and influence.
  • Joanna is listed as one of several women whom Jesus healed of evil spirits or infirmities while He ministered in Galilee (Luke 8:2–3). Despite her position of wealth and relative power, she still had a need only Jesus could meet.
  • Once she received healing, Joanna chose to travel with Jesus, the twelve disciples, and some other women throughout Jesus's ministry. During this time, she heard His teaching and supported the ministry financially. Joanna remained a loyal follower of Jesus because she was present at His death and was among the first to see the empty tomb and bear witness to His resurrection (Luke 23:27, 49; 23:55–24:12).

implications for today

The presence of Joanna's name and the inclusion of details about her experience in Luke's gospel help readers learn that Jesus's ministry is for everyone. Anyone can bring their needs to Christ and choose to follow Him, just like Joanna. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16, emphasis added). No matter our status in society, we are all invited to join in God's kingdom through faith in and dedication to Jesus (Galatians 3:25–29; Ephesians 2:11–22).


  • Joanna was the wife of the man who managed Herod Antipas's household.
  • Joanna was healed by Jesus of either an infirmity or of a demon.
  • Joanna traveled with Jesus during His ministry and was among the first to see His empty tomb.


  • In what areas of your life do you recognize a need only Jesus can meet, despite your resources or status?
  • How can you use your time, talents, or resources to support Jesus's ministry, as Joanna did?
  • How does Joanna's unwavering dedication to Jesus, even in difficult times, inspire you to deepen your faith?


  • The inclusion of women in Jesus's ministry, such as Joanna, was a break from the tradition of other Jewish rabbis at the time. Women were typically not permitted to learn as disciples, to travel away from their homes, or to direct finances as they chose.
  • Another break from tradition was giving the women the responsibility of bearing witness to and sharing the news of the resurrection. At the time, women's testimonies were not accepted in court because women were seen as unreliable witnesses. Yet, the angels told women to "go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you" (Matthew 28:7). Jesus rejected the cultural norms of His day, revealing that anyone who recognizes his/her need for Jesus and trusts in Him, just like Joanna did, is welcome in God's kingdom.
  • Some scholars believe that Junia, mentioned in Paul's letter to the church in Rome in Romans 16:7, could be the Latin name of the Greek-named Joanna in Luke's gospel. Junia is described as a kinsfolk and fellow prisoner who was well-known among the apostles and was in Christ before Paul.