Who was Joab in the Bible?

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Joab was one of King David's mighty men. Joab's unchecked ambition and violence led to his demise.

from the old testament

  • The life of Joab coincides with King David's and is recorded in Second Samuel and First Kings. He was one of King David's three zealous nephews: Asahel, Abishai, and Joab. They were known for their fierce loyalty to Israel and their strong will.
  • Joab's name means "my father is God."
  • As a young man, Joab fought alongside David as one of his mighty men. After defeating the Jebusites and gaining control of Jerusalem, David appointed Joab as the commander of his army. Joab was an excellent military leader, as both a skilled fighter and tactful strategist. It is believed he never lost a battle and played a key role in establishing Israel as a powerful kingdom.
  • Joab was loyal to his king and often counseled David on major decisions. He was one of few who could stand up to David and call him out when he was making poor decisions. However, Joab was ambitious and headstrong, causing him to disobey David's orders and, on various occasions, make selfish decisions.
  • Joab's power-hungry ambition was evident from early on. After his brother Asahel was killed by Abner in battle, he wanted revenge. However, Abner sought an alliance with David, so Joab was commanded to let him live; however, Joab murdered him in cold blood (2 Samuel 3). Later on, Joab killed his cousin Amasa while greeting him with a kiss (2 Samuel 20). Also, as David was on his deathbed, Joab conspired to put his son Adonijah on the throne instead of Solomon, whom David had chosen (1 Kings 1–2).
  • Despite his flaws, Joab demonstrated commitment to protecting his king. When King David instructed him to have Uriah the Hittite killed in battle, he did not question the king's motives but strategically set up the battle, so the king's plan would be fulfilled (2 Samuel 11). In addition, Joab warned David that his desire to do a census was sinful. David did not listen to him, so Joab obeyed his king and carried out the census. Seventy thousand men died because of David's sin (2 Samuel 24). During David's reign, Absalom, one of David's sons, avenged his sister Tamar by killing another of David's sons, Amnon, who had raped her. Absalom then fled in fear of what his father would do to him. David failed to deal with any part of this situation. Joab sought Absalom and brought him home, so he could reconcile things with his father. However, Absalom later revolted against his father, conspiring to become king. David's troops stopped the revolt and were advised to deal gently with Absalom. However, Joab killed him when he found him. David mourned his son's death, and Joab rebuked him, reminding him that he had a duty as a king to honor the effort of his troops (2 Samuel 13–19).
  • While Joab's fearlessness made him unstoppable on the battlefield, it proved to be his downfall in times of peace. At the end of David's life, he charged his son Solomon with executing Joab for the murders he had committed. Joab died at the hands of Benaniah in the tent of the Lord while seeking mercy (1 Kings 2).

from the new testament

  • Joab is not mentioned in the New Testament.

implications for today

From Joab's life, we learn the importance of checking our ambitions. It also teaches us the importance of a life faithful to God, integrity, and obedience to Him. Joab's fierce loyalty to King David and Israel was overshadowed by his unchecked ambition and personal vendettas, which led him to commit acts of disobedience and violence that ultimately marred his legacy. His life demonstrates that true loyalty involves not just following orders but maintaining moral and ethical standards, shaped by God’s Word and character. Ambition should be pursued within the bounds of humility and obedience to God. We must test our ambition against God’s Word and character, repenting if we are pushing our fleshly desires instead of being motivated by love for God and others. By checking our drive and upholding what God says, we can achieve success without compromising our integrity, avoiding the pitfalls that led to Joab's tragic end.


  • Joab was an exceptional military leader and played a key role in establishing Israel as a powerful kingdom.
  • Joab's unchecked ambition led to acts of disobedience and murder, including the killings of Abner and Amasa and conspiring to place Adonijah on the throne instead of Solomon.
  • Joab was executed by Solomon for the murders he committed.


  • In what areas of your life might unchecked ambition be leading you away from integrity and obedience to God?
  • How do you balance loyalty to your leaders or causes with maintaining your own moral and ethical standards?
  • Are there any personal vendettas or grudges that you need to let go of to avoid actions that could compromise your character?


  • How can we recognize when our ambition is becoming detrimental to our integrity and relationships?
  • What are some examples of balancing loyalty with the need to maintain personal ethics and morality in today's context?
  • How can we ensure that our drive for success is aligned with God’s Word and character rather than pursuing our own agendasleading us into actions we might regret?