The Bible traces the origins of this conflict to the family of Abraham. Both Jews and Muslims claim Abraham as their forefather but through different sons: Jews through Isaac and Muslims through Ishmael. The tension between these brothers and their mothers, Sarah and Hagar, is recorded in Genesis (Genesis 16:1–16, 21:8–21). This ancestral divide sets the stage for future conflicts (Genesis 25:18). However, Scripture also provides a vision for peace and reconciliation (Isaiah 2:4; Ephesians 2:14–18), calling believers to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) and to love even their enemies (Matthew 5:44).
While the Bible acknowledges historical tensions and conflicts between Jews and Arabs, it also points to a future where these divisions are healed. True reconciliation and lasting peace are possible through God's redemptive plan in Christ. This challenges us to look beyond political solutions or temporary peace agreements. Instead, it calls us to recognize that genuine peace comes through spiritual transformation. As followers of Christ, we are called to be agents of that reconciliation, reflecting God's love to all people regardless of their ethnic or religious background.
By focusing on our shared humanity as beings created in God's image and the universal need for salvation in Christ, we can work toward breaking down walls of hostility and building bridges of understanding and love.