The time of Jacob's trouble – What is it?

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The time of Jacob’s trouble foretells of a future period; it is also known as the end-times tribulation. Despite the time of Jacob’s trouble, God promises to protect His people and return as King.

from the old testament

  • The "time of Jacob's trouble" comes from Jeremiah 30:7 that says, "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it" (KJV).
  • In previous verses, God promised He would someday restore His people to their land, meaning the land of Israel. Despite a great time of distress for the Jewish people, the Lord would save them from it. Jeremiah 30:8–9 makes it clear that this time would be a period in which God's people no longer served other masters but would serve the Lord and "David their king, whom I will raise up for them" (verse 9).

from the new testament

  • The imagery in the Jeremiah passage most closely resembles the predictions given by Jesus in Matthew 24. For example, Jesus called the trials that would take place among the Jewish people "the beginning of the birth pains" (verse 8). In 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Paul also describes this period by saying, "While people are saying, 'There is peace and security,' then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."
  • Jacob's trouble, or Jacob's distress, refers to the difficulties the Jewish people will face during the seven-year tribulation period. During this time, the Jewish temple will be rebuilt, yet desecrated. "And they will trample the holy city for forty-two months" (Revelation 11:2). The Antichrist will break a covenant and set himself up as ruler, expecting to be worshiped. "He will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god and shall speak astonishing things against the God of gods" (Daniel 11:36). He will force all people to receive a mark to buy or sell goods. "So that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark" (Revelation 13:17). In addition, much war and famine will occur, with Jews fleeing Jerusalem to the mountains. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now" (Matthew 24:21).
  • Despite these troubles, the Lord will fulfill His promises. In addition to protecting His people, He will return in victory (Revelation 19:11–21). Following His victory, the Messiah will rule from Jerusalem in peace for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1–6). Following one last attack led by Satan, the Lord will defeat His enemies, complete His final judgment, and establish a new heavens, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem where He will dwell with His people forever (Revelation 21—22).

implications for today

The concept of "Jacob's trouble" as prophesied in Jeremiah 30:7 carries profound implications for believers today. God promised restoration to His people Israel amidst great distress (Jeremiah 30:7–9). That particular distress seems to be the end-times tribulation, which we learn more about from Jesus in Matthew 24 (see also 1 Thessalonians 5:3). These passages warn of a period marked by unprecedented turmoil and the rise of the Antichrist, yet they also assure us of God's ultimate deliverance and victory. As we navigate our own challenges and uncertainties, these prophecies remind us to remain steadfast in faith, trusting in God's sovereignty and His promises of redemption. God is faithful to preserve His people and ultimately the glorious reign of Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom will come (Revelation 19:11–21; 20:1-6; 21—22). He is faithful with the overall narrative of history, and He is also faithful in our daily lives (Matthew 6:25–34). Knowing that He is sovereign over the entire world as well as present in our lives gives us right perspective to worship Him, follow Him, fear Him, find comfort in Him, and trust Him (Philippians 4:4–8; 1 Peter 5:7–11; 2 Peter 3:8–13). We can live in hope, knowing that our present troubles are temporary and that our future is secure in Him (Romans 8:18–30).


  • Jacob's trouble refers to a period of unparalleled distress for the Jewish people.
  • Despite the severity of this period, God promises to save His people and restore them to their land, where they will serve the Lord and "David their king."
  • The time of Jacob’s trouble aligns with New Testament prophecies of tribulation, culminating in Christ's return, victory, and His millennial reign from Jerusalem.


  • How does the promise of God’s ultimate deliverance during Jacob's trouble encourage you in your current personal struggles and uncertainties?
  • In what ways can you deepen your faith and trust in God's sovereignty and promises, especially when facing difficult times?
  • What encouragement do you receive from God's promise to protect and restore His people?


  • The prophecies developed more fully in Revelation are helpful in better understanding the time of Jacob's trouble mentioned by Jeremiah. Some of the prophecies of Jeremiah have already been fulfilled, revealing both a near and future fulfillment. For example, Israel has already been re-established as a nation in 1948 following 1,900 years without a nation for the Jewish people. This historic change offers evidence that God has not abandoned the Jewish people but has kept His promises to bring Israel back to its land in the last days. Though Israel will continue to experience difficulties now and in the future, God promises He will ultimately restore His people and offer peace during a time when He rules over His people.
  • Israel plays a central role in the end times according to the Bible, as it is the focus of prophetic events, including the tribulation, the return of Christ, and the establishment of His millennial kingdom (Zechariah 12:10; Revelation 20:4–6). The nation is also pivotal in God's plan of redemption (Romans 11:25–26).
  • How do the prophecies concerning Jacob's trouble and the tribulation period impact your understanding of God's plan for Israel and the world?