Is the Holy Spirit going to be present during the tribulation?

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People will be saved during the tribulation; therefore, the Holy Spirit must be present during the tribulation, both at work in the world and indwelling those who come to faith in Jesus.

from the old testament

  • The Old Testament emphasizes the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in the last days, pointing to a time of renewal and restoration, according to God's plan.
  • In Joel 2:28–29, God promises to pour out His Spirit on all people, leading to prophecy, dreams, and visions among His people.
  • Isaiah 32:15 describes a future time when the Holy Spirit will be poured out from on high, transforming the wilderness into a fruitful field, symbolizing renewal and restoration in the last days.
  • God speaks of giving His people a new heart and spirit in Ezekiel 36:26–27, putting His Spirit within them to lead them in His ways. This prophecy points to the Holy Spirit's role in renewing God's people, which is often associated with the establishment of God's kingdom in the end times.

from the new testament

  • Second Thessalonians 2:7 says: "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way." This passage is referring to the Antichrist who will appear during the tribulation. The power and sway he will hold over the world is going to be partly due to the fact that the Holy Spirit will not be restraining evil during that time. However, this does not mean that the Holy Spirit will not be present during the tribulation.
  • The Holy Spirit is one of the persons of the Trinity. God is omnipresent. The Holy Spirit is therefore always and everywhere present (cf. Psalm 139:7–12). The Holy Spirit does not simply disappear from the created order.
  • Salvation, regeneration, and sanctification cannot happen without the power of the Holy Spirit (John 3:5; Titus 3:5; 1 Corinthians 6:11). The Bible is clear that people will be saved during the tribulation (Revelation 7:14; 14:6–7). Therefore, the Holy Spirit must be present during the tribulation.

implications for today

The truth that the Holy Spirit will be present during the tribulation is very encouraging for believers in pre-tribulation times. We often worry deeply about our friends and family who will have to endure the tribulation without Christ. But the Bible promises that a "great multitude" will be saved during that time. Man is drawn to God by the Holy Spirit, born of the Spirit until salvation through faith in Christ, and it is also by the Spirit that we grow and mature in Christ. Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, none of these things would occur during the tribulation. But we know that people will be saved during that time, and we know the Holy Spirit will be at work both to bring people to salvation and to help them grow after salvation. Because of this, we can trust God’s goodness in making Himself known even during the tribulation. We should also be careful to live godly lives and to share the gospel, in an effort to "hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter" (Proverbs 24:11).


  • The Holy Spirit is needed for people to be saved during the tribulation.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to sanctify believers during the tribulation.
  • The Holy Spirit remains active despite not restraining evil during the tribulation.


  • How does knowing that the Holy Spirit will still be present during the tribulation impact your understanding of God’s faithfulness and plan of salvation?
  • How does the Holy Spirit’s role in sanctification during the tribulation encourage or challenge you?
  • How can the assurance of the Holy Spirit’s presence during the tribulation influence your prayers and actions for those who are not yet saved?


  • How does the promise of the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work during the tribulation shape our view of God’s justice and mercy in the face of evil?
  • What practical implications does the Holy Spirit’s role during the tribulation have for how we live out our faith and share the gospel now?
  • How does knowing that the Holy Spirit will be actively working in the lives of those who come to Christ during the tribulation challenge us in the way we live and share our faith today?