Who was Eliezer in the Bible?

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There are several men named Eliezer in the Bible although not much is known about them.

from the old testament

  • There are multiple Eliezers in the Bible. The most notable one is Abraham's head servant. Before Abraham had children, a servant he chose would become his heir, according to the custom of that time. Abraham mentions his head male servant by name when he is telling God that he has no son to whom to leave his inheritance: "But Abram said, 'O Lord GOD, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?'" (Genesis 15:2).
  • While he is not specifically named, many scholars believe that Eliezer is the same servant sent by Abraham to look for a wife for his son Isaac in Genesis 24. This servant is described as "the oldest of his household, who had charge of all that he had" (Genesis 24:2). He was faithful to Abraham's command and demonstrated reliance on and trust in God.
  • One of Moses' sons is also named Eliezer. Moses named his son Eliezer, saying, "The God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh" (Exodus 18:4). Most likely Moses was referring to when he murdered an Egyptian for mistreating the Israelites and escaped punishment (Exodus 2:11–15).
  • There was also a prophet named Eliezer, the son of Dodavahu of Mareshah, who spoke against King Jehoshaphat for making allies with Ahaziah saying, "Because you have joined with Ahaziah, the LORD will destroy what you have made" (2 Chronicles 20:37). His prophecy was fulfilled, and Jehoshaphat's ships wrecked, preventing him from going to Tarshish.
  • Another Eliezer was chosen along with a few other men to request for the Levites to join the Israelites returning to Israel after years of captivity from the Babylonians and Persians (Ezra 8:16–17).
  • There were also three men named Eliezer among the men who had chosen wives among foreigners who pledged to put their wives away and follow the Law (Ezra 10:18–19, 23, 31).
  • First Chronicles mentions a few more men named Eliezer. One was a priest who was one of the seven men appointed to blow the trumpet before the ark of God when it came back into Jerusalem during King David's reign (1 Chronicles 15:24), and the other was a chief officer of the Reubenites (1 Chronicles 27:16). There is also a descendant of Benjamin named Eliezer listed in a genealogy (1 Chronicles 7:8).

from the new testament

  • An Eliezer is listed in Jesus' genealogy (Luke 3:29).

implications for today

Although much is not known about the Eliezers in the Bible, their various roles and mentions demonstrate that God knows our names and the unique paths we take. As God knew Jeremiah from the womb (Jeremiah 1:5), so God knows our names, what our lives will entail, and even the number of hairs on our head (Luke 12:7). From Abraham's trusted servant Eliezer, who played a crucial part in the lineage of Israel, to Moses' son Eliezer, who symbolized God's deliverance, each individual's story highlights God's awareness and involvement in their lives. The prophet Eliezer's bold message to King Jehoshaphat and the Eliezers involved in the return from captivity and adherence to the Law further illustrate that God acknowledges and remembers those who follow His will. Even the Eliezer mentioned in Jesus' genealogy signifies that each name is known and valued by God, emphasizing His intimate knowledge and care for each person throughout history.


  • There are many men named Eliezer in the Bible.
  • None of the several Eliezers in the Bible have much detail written about them.
  • The most prominent Eliezer was Abraham’s servant who would have received Abraham’s inheritance if Abraham remained childless.


  • How does the story of Abraham's servant Eliezer demonstrate the importance of trust and faithfulness in fulfilling God's plans?
  • In what ways does Moses naming his son Eliezer after God's deliverance highlight the significance of recognizing and commemorating divine intervention in our lives?
  • How do the different roles and mentions of the various Eliezers in the Bible reassure you of God's intimate knowledge and care for each person?


  • What can we learn from the prophet Eliezer's message to King Jehoshaphat about the consequences of forming alliances that go against God's will?
  • How do the stories of the Eliezers in the Bible illustrate the diverse ways people can serve God and fulfill their roles in His plan?
  • How does understanding that God knows our names and paths, as demonstrated by the various Eliezers, impact your personal faith and sense of purpose?