Easter Monday - What is it?

Easter Monday is simply the day after Easter. Easter Monday is a public holiday in Australia, Egypt (as a secular holiday), and much of Europe, but is not widely celebrated in the United States. A few areas recognize the Polish version—Dyngus Day—and the White House hosts its annual egg roll. For those who celebrate Easter Monday as a religious holiday, church services are included.

The holiday is prominent mostly in Catholic circles. For those in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Easter Monday, also called Bright Monday or Renewal Monday, is the beginning of Bright Week. Although there are ceremonies for the entire week following Easter, they are often condensed into Bright Monday. In areas influenced by Roman Catholicism, Easter Monday is the beginning of the Easter Octave. It is common to douse people in water, representing the new life of baptism, and play games with Easter eggs.

The Bible makes no mention of Easter or Easter Monday. As a church we are not required to celebrate it, but we are not prohibited to, either.

Easter Monday Calendar

2024 — April 1
2025 — April 21
2026 — April 6

2027 — March 29

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