what does the bible say?
The Bible begins with the compelling story of God creating the heavens and the earth. He created and ordered everything in the universe out of nothing. God’s crown jewel of creation, human beings, male and female, were made in His own image and likeness with an eternal spirit, intellect, a conscience and free will. Human beings are unique within creation, having the ability to personally relate with God. However, Adam and Eve willfully chose to sin against Him. This brought physical and spiritual death to themselves and subsequently all of humanity. God sent Jesus to save the world of sin and death and to restore and reconcile the relationship between God and humanity. God judged the world He created with a worldwide flood of water and will judge this world again with fire at the end of the age. The Bible ends with God making all things new and creating a new heavens and earth as the eternal home of those who have received salvation by faith in Jesus Christ.