Who was Cleopas in the Bible?

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Cleopas encountered Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Cleopas’s knowledge of the Word and response to Jesus encourage our faith.

from the old testament

  • Cleopas is not mentioned in the Old Testament.

from the new testament

  • Cleopas and his companion were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, which may indicate that Emmaus was their home. Although we do not know where Emmaus is today, the Bible reports it as being "about seven miles from Jerusalem" (Luke 24:13). Some scholars speculate that the other disciple was Cleopas's wife, due to the fact that they urged Jesus to stay with them (Luke 24:29), but that cannot be confirmed. As they walked, they discussed Jesus and all that had happened in Jerusalem. When Jesus suddenly appeared and began walking with them, He asked what they were talking about. Cleopas responded, "Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?" (Luke 24:18).
  • Cleopas assumed Jesus was a non-local visiting Jerusalem for Passover. He was surprised that anyone near Jerusalem would not have heard about the recent unrest and the public crucifixion of a man some Jews believed was the Messiah. Cleopas gave this mysterious Visitor a short synopsis of all that had happened, concluding with the report from the women that Christ's body was missing from the tomb (Luke 24:19–24).
  • Jesus responded to Cleopas with a mild rebuke, suggesting that he and his companion recall what the prophets had foretold about the Messiah. Jesus then explained the Hebrew Scriptures to them, showing the ways that He had fulfilled those prophecies. Even then, they did not recognize Him, but their hearts were "burning within" at His words (Luke 24:32). When they arrived in Emmaus, they urged Him to stay with them that night, and He came inside with them.
  • As they were all at the table to eat, Jesus gave thanks and broke the bread. At that moment, "their eyes were opened, and they recognized him" (Luke 24:30–31). We are not told the reason that Cleopas and the other disciple suddenly knew who Jesus was, but when they recognized Him, He vanished, only to reappear to all of them later in Jerusalem (Luke 24:36).
  • As soon as Cleopas and his companion knew who Jesus was, they went straight back to Jerusalem to tell the Eleven, who were assembled with other disciples (Luke 24:33–34). This group was most likely part of the 120 present in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).

implications for today

Cleopas teaches us about the importance of knowing God’s Word and being willing to engage with others on the truth. Cleopas encountered Jesus in an unexpected way and in an unexpected time. Despite not recognizing Jesus, Cleopas and his companion knew God’s Word and engaged with Him as He explained the Hebrew Scriptures to them. We, too, must know God’s Word and be willing to engage with others, even when it challenges our preconceived notions or beliefs. Knowing God’s Word also allows us to deepen our understanding of Him, His character, and His plan for us. As we know Him, we will be prepared to answer those who engage with us about our faith. Others will not know Him if we do not share (Romans 10:14–15).

Cleopas also teaches us about the importance of hospitality. Still not recognizing Jesus, Cleopas practiced hospitality, inviting Jesus into his home. Relationships are so important. They help us grow, they provide support, and they give us a greater sense of purpose and perspective on life. We were built for community, and hospitality provides the time and space for relationships to grow, if we make it a priority.

Lastly, Cleopas teaches us what it looks like to respond to the truth of who God is. Once Cleopas recognized Jesus, he and his companion hurried back to Jerusalem to share the good news with others. We bear witness to who Jesus is and what He has done in our lives. As we share that, we invite others to experience the transformative power of Jesus in their own lives.


  • Cleopas and his companion were traveling from Jerusalem to Emmaus when Jesus appeared to them.
  • Cleopas knew the Scriptures and explained to Jesus what had happened to the Messiah, but he also listened to Jesus explaining how He fulfilled the Scriptures.
  • When Cleopas recognized Jesus, he went and told the other disciples that Jesus had risen indeed.


  • How does Cleopas’s response to Jesus explaining the Scriptures inspire you to engage with Scripture and deepen your understanding of God's Word?
  • What do we learn about God from the way Jesus interacted with Cleopas?
  • Reflect on Cleopas's willingness to share the good news immediately after recognizing Jesus. How does his response encourage you to share your faith with others?


  • Cleopas assumed Jesus was a stranger unaware of recent events in Jerusalem. How does this assumption reflect our own tendencies to underestimate the presence of God in our lives? What would it look like to recognize His presence throughout the day?
  • Hospitality played a crucial role in Cleopas's encounter with Jesus. Hospitality is still vital today. What kind of doors does hospitality open in our relationships?
  • Cleopas and his companion rushed back to share the news of Jesus' resurrection. What obstacles do you think might prevent us from eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus with others, and how can we overcome them?