Giving is a central focus in the Christian faith because it reflects God’s own generosity and teaches believers to trust in His provision. It encourages a heart of humility and service, prioritizing others’ needs over personal gain. The Bible stresses that giving should be done willingly and cheerfully, not out of obligation. The Bible also reveals that giving is a means of worship and obedience to God. Generosity takes care of others’ needs, and it reveals God’s heart. Ultimately, giving provides believers the opportunity to honor God with what He’s given us. Giving has eternal purposes and puts earthly wealth in its proper perspective.
It is often difficult to give. A reluctance to give is usually caused by fear—fear that we will not have enough time, money, food, etc. for ourselves. But when we trust God (Proverbs 3:5–6), giving becomes easier. And as we see Him consistently take care of us, it increases our faith. Seeing God at work is exciting and reinforces our belief. But if we always try to take care of ourselves, we miss the blessing of seeing Him take care of us. Giving is a good habit to get into because it helps break the cycle of self-dependence, which hinders faith.
That said, giving should be done wisely. God gave us minds, which can analyze, and intuition, which can sense when something is a "bad deal." Giving should not cause strain, but joy. And giving should result in more for everyone—there is nothing righteous about sending money into a sinkhole or padding the pockets of a charlatan.
By giving wisely and cheerfully to all who have need, believers make a statement to those around them. We are depending on God for everything we need because we know he is faithful to provide (1 Kings 17:8–16). We are not trusting in money or possessions for happiness because there is something beyond this world that is better and that we are looking forward to. "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread" (Psalm 37:25).