Does the Bible say anything about multiculturalism?

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Multiculturalism is diversity, and the Bible affirms that God created and loves people from every culture and ethnic group.

from the old testament

  • God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-2), and from them came all the people groups of the world.
  • God's plan was and still is for all people groups to be blessed (Genesis 12:3).

from the new testament

  • Acts 17:27 confirms that God created all the nations and that He uniquely placed us where He did so we would find salvation in Him: “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”
  • Paul confirms in Colossians 2:16 that cultural practices that do not conflict with God's law can be continued. In other words, cultural practices of what foods we eat or what days we celebrate do not need to conform to a certain culture.
  • Paul emphasizes the freedom we have in cultural expression through explaining how he took on whatever cultural practices were necessary to effectively share the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:20-22).
  • In Athens, Paul quotes the Athenians’ poets, which shows that others’ cultures can be appreciated and even used for effective communication to the appropriate audience (Acts 17:23 and 28).
  • In 1 Peter 2:12-17, Peter communicates that although believers have the freedom to participate in and enjoy diversity in cultures, they must hold their allegiance to God.
  • Paul teaches that believers’ spiritual identities are not found in their cultural or ethnic group but in their role as a part of the body of Christ (Ephesians 2:19).
  • In Ephesians 4:3-6, we read that our identity in Christ unites us with other believers who come from various cultural backgrounds.
  • In Revelation, there is a prophecy about a multitude from every nation, tribe, people group, and language praising God (Revelation 7:9).

implications for today

God does not exclude people from His kingdom based on their ethnicity or culture; rather, He delights in the unique cultural differences connected to his adopted children. Through our own cultures, personalities, and circumstances, we can reflect God to the world. While the New Testament affirms that we can celebrate each other’s cultures, we are instructed to not believe the claim that all religious ideas are true, all concepts of God are equally valid, or every approach to religion is correct as this is in direct opposition to the Bible (John 14:6; 3:36; 1 Timothy 2:5; Exodus 20:2-3). For example, a "cultural celebration" that worships ancestors is unacceptable as is a "cultural norm" of deception or a "cultural value" of monetary success by any means necessary. As born again members of God’s family, we must not use our freedom as a cover-up for evil but instead serve God (1 Peter 2:12-17). Moreover, our primary identity is not found in our culture, but as "fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19). With our new identity in Christ prioritized, we can enjoy unity with our spiritual brothers and sisters and celebrate each other's cultural differences.


  • God’s plan has always included people from every culture.
  • Christians are called to appreciate cultural diversity while prioritizing their faith, avoiding sinful cultural practices.
  • God uniquely placed us in our cultures so we would have the best chance of responding to salvation in Him.


  • How does understanding that God’s plan includes people from every culture affect the way you view your own cultural background?
  • How can you celebrate cultural diversity in your life while maintaining your primary identity in Christ?
  • How do you reconcile cultural practices that you enjoy with the need to avoid those that contradict biblical teachings?


  • How can the biblical example of Paul adapting to various cultures in his ministry inform our approach to intercultural interactions today?
  • What are some specific cultural practices in your community that you think might conflict with biblical teachings, and how can you address them while maintaining a Christ-centered approach?
  • How does Revelation’s vision of worship from every nation, tribe, and language shape your understanding of the importance of multiculturalism in the church today?