Clearly God's Word is powerful. As such, it makes sense that it should influence our societies. The question is what is exactly meant by "influence" and by "society"? Israel in the Old Testament was a theocracy, but God nowhere tells Christians to try to establish a similar form of government. In fact, Christians are told to submit to the governments under which they find themselves (Romans 13:1–7). At the same time, this does not mean that we should not attempt to influence our governments to rule more in line with the truth of God's Word. Also, influence in a society is about far more than governmental structure. The Bible should influence the way Christians live, as such it should be influencing the societies in which we live. The more people in our societies know Christ and live godly lives, the more influence the Bible will have on societies.
The Bible should be the foundation for how believers live and interact in society. Since it is God’s Word, it should influence our values, actions, and attitudes. When we let Scripture shape us, we bring God’s love, justice, and truth into our society by the way we work, treat others, and make decisions. Living out biblical principles—like loving our neighbors, serving those in need, speaking the truth in love, and seeking peace—allows us to live as lights and salt in the world. It invites others to see God’s goodness. While societies may not ever become theocratic, using God’s Word as their moral and leadership guide, the way we live as pilgrims and sojourners in this world matters. We must learn how to live in the world but not of it, influencing our areas of influence around us with the Bible. Doing this allows us to bring light in a society that is otherwise driven by worldly desires and thinking. As believers live according to God’s Word, we can transform our environments and contribute godly values that reflect His grace and righteousness to society.