The Bible has a positive view of education—both of gaining knowledge about the world and about God and His Word. The Bible has a lot to say about education, emphasizing that true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). Sometimes we hear people in culture say that education is the key to ending just about any of the ills that plague society. However, the Bible tells us that knowledge without the love of God leads to pride (1 Corinthians 8:1). The Bible highlights the importance of studying God’s Word, which helps us know Him and apply His truth in our lives. The Scriptures warn against relying solely on worldly knowledge, which can lead to pride and misuse (1 Corinthians 8:1; 2 Timothy 3:6–7). Ultimately, education is valuable when grounded in God's wisdom and used to fulfill His purposes.
Education is not a bad thing. God created our world, and learning about Him, the world He created, other people, and ways we can live and work in the world are good things. Consider, for example, the importance of mathematics or agriculture or technology or medical knowledge and the impacts those have on people's daily lives. Or consider how a knowledge of history can broaden understanding of society and better inform decisions. Or think of the ways knowledge of different languages can help us better communicate, or how education in artistic skill can help us convey God's beauty for others to rejoice in. Work is part of God's good creation (Genesis 1:28–29; 2:15). Whether paid or unpaid, we all work in some way. And whether a specific degree or certification is required or not, all of our work requires some sort of education. Of course, education is most beneficial in so far as it enables us to carry out God's purposes for our lives: to love others well, to advance His kingdom, and to prompt our worship of Him. Again, all sorts of education can lead toward these ends.