Does the Bible say anything about dragons?

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Large reptilian creatures are described in the Bible, even if they are not dragons as we think of them. The fact that ancient cultures have dragon stories shows us that some type of giant creatures existed.

from the old testament

  • The Bible describes huge animals that seem very similar to dinosaurs. One is the behemoth, a creature with a tail like a cedar tree who was not afraid to stand in the turbulent Jordan river, with bones like bronze and limbs like iron (Job 40:15–24). Another is the leviathan, a huge intimidating sea creature which played alongside the ships (Job 41), which Isaiah also calls a "dragon" in Isaiah 27:1.
  • The fire-breathing aspect of dragons may be a mythological embellishment, or a metaphor for the dragon's terrible breath, or there may be some other factor that we cannot know, having not seen or studied a live dinosaur. God describes the leviathan in the book of Job this way: "His back is made of rows of shields, shut up closely as with a seal. … His sneezings flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn. Out of his mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from his mouth" (Job 41:15, 18–21).
  • The word “dragon” appears in the ESV in Isaiah 51:9, Ezekiel 29:3, and Ezekiel 32:2 as well.

from the new testament

  • A dragon also exists in Revelation, chapters 12, 13, 16, and 20. These accounts are referring to Satan (Revelation 20:2) and comparing him to a powerful, fire-breathing monster. Just as Satan came to Eve in the form of a serpent, he is identified as a dragon in Revelation. However, actual dragons may have existed among humans, according to creation scientists. From a young-earth perspective, these biblical accounts of dragons, plus the many myths about dragons from the ancient cultures, were simply descriptions of dinosaurs that lived alongside men in the ancient world.

implications for today

Understanding God's Word is crucial for navigating our understanding of the world around us. As cultures across history have described dragons and scientists have unearthed evidence of dinosaurs, the Bible's depiction of giant, dinosaur-like creatures such as the behemoth and leviathan aligns with what we observe in the natural world. This compatibility reveals the Bible's truthfulness and relevance in depicting reality. It encourages us to trust in God's Word as a reliable source of wisdom and understanding, bridging the gap between ancient texts and modern discoveries. By studying Scripture alongside scientific findings and cultural narratives, we gain a deeper appreciation for how God's truth permeates through all aspects of creation, providing us with a solid foundation for faith and knowledge.


  • Almost every ancient culture in the world tells stories and legends about dragons.
  • The Bible describes large creatures like the behemoth and leviathan, resembling dinosaurs known from fossils.
  • Dragons in biblical and mythological accounts may reflect real creatures like dinosaurs, with fire-breathing possibly being a metaphor or exaggerated feature.


  • How does the Bible's description of creatures like the behemoth and leviathan impact your understanding of God's creative power and sovereignty over all living things?
  • Reflect on how the idea of dragons in ancient cultures aligns with or challenges your understanding of biblical truths about the natural world.
  • What insights can we gain about the character of God through studying the descriptions of creatures like the leviathan in Job?


  • Almost every ancient culture in the world tells myths and legends about dragons—giant, fire-breathing reptiles. Over thousands of years, civilizations that existed continents apart, and never had contact, came up with stories about dragons.
  • Evolutionary scientists say that dinosaurs existed millions of years before humans were on the earth. Ancient literature describes dragons with humans. So, both evolutionary scientists and ancient literature reveal that giant reptiles, dinosaurs, once existed. Yet, dinosaur fossils were not discovered until long after the myths of giant reptiles already existed in ancient cultures. How did the ancients know about these creatures? What do the ancient myths reveal regarding when dinosaurs existed? What problems does each argument encounter?
  • What are the implications of viewing biblical accounts of dragons as possibly describing real creatures like dinosaurs? How does this impact our faith and understanding of biblical truth?