what does the bible say?
We love stories. It’s one of the main ways we communicate, and the best stories have a good beginning, middle, and ending. In Western cultures, we often get confused when a book or movie jumps from timeline to timeline, giving us no clues to where or when we are. This is because in Western thought, time flows in one direction on a linear, logical path.
The Bible, however, was written by authors with a Mid-Eastern view, in which time flows in circles and creates patterns as it moves. The Scriptures overall are not arranged in chronological order, but are divided by the type of literature in order to help readers understand the patterns better. For instance, David’s sin with Bathsheba is included in the historical writings (2 Samuel 11) to record the events and witness the pattern of consequences, but the king’s psalm of repentance from the sin (Psalm 51) is placed in the poetic writings which deal with Israel’s emotional and spiritual relationship with God.
The Old Testament includes the Books of Moses (Genesis to Deuteronomy), the Books of History (Joshua to Esther), the Wisdom Books (Job to Song of Songs), and the Prophets (Isaiah to Malachi). In the New Testament, the twenty-seven books include four Gospels (Matthew to John), one book of history (Acts), the Epistles or Letters (Romans to Jude) and one book of prophecy (Revelation).