what does the bible say?
The Bible indeed addresses art, highlighting its divine origins and purpose. God is a Creator who created us in His image. We can create because He is creative. In Exodus 31, God appoints skilled artisans to beautify the Ark of the Covenant, indicating that artistic talent is a gift from Him and that He delights in beauty. Similarly, Solomon’s temple construction exemplifies how God is glorified through artistry, as it reflects skill and intentionality in honoring Him. However, not all art is considered beautiful; works that provoke sinful thoughts or lead people away from God cannot glorify Him and, therefore, fall outside the realm of true artistry. Still, art expresses living in this fallen and broken world and can point us to our need for a Savior. Ultimately, art that inspires praise and elevates the heart toward God serves as a vital expression of creativity in His kingdom, emphasizing that beauty, rooted in divine intent, is a reflection of God Himself.