Abigail was an intelligent and beautiful woman (1 Samuel 25:3) who was married to a foolish and sinful man named Nabal. Nabal refused to give David provisions, angering David. Hearing that David’s men were good to Nabal’s shepherds, Abigail quickly prepared gifts and provisions for David and his men (1 Samuel 25:18). In wisdom, she spoke to David and apologized for her husband’s words and actions. She persuaded him not to avenge himself (1 Samuel 25:31). David praised Abigail for her good judgment and was thankful for her help in keeping him from sin (1 Samuel 25:33). When Abigail returned home, Nabal was in high spirits and drunk. When she told him what had happened, his heart failed him, and God struck him dead ten days later. God "returned the evil of Nabal on his own head" (1 Samuel 25:39). When David heard of Nabal’s death, he praised God and asked for Abigail to become his wife. Abigail’s wisdom revealed her true beauty.
Abigail was beautiful inside and out: kind, intelligent, and wise. A godly woman, she understood the will of God and submitted to it. She was discerning in confronting David and kept him out of sin. David thanked her for this and repented of his desire to seek revenge. As a result, God avenged David by taking Nabal's life. Likewise, Abigail protected her foolish husband and did for David what Nabal should have done in the first place. Abigail is a profound example of a strong woman. She respected the men in her life rather than belittle them. Her goal was not to be better than them, but rather to bring the best out of them. She embodied the godly woman described in Proverbs 31:10–31.
Even though she lived long before Jesus was born, Abigail demonstrates several of His characteristics. Her actions were motivated not by self-preservation but by a desire to do the right thing. She lived in a difficult environment with a difficult husband but did not use that as an excuse to be disobedient to God or disrespectful to her husband. Ultimately, she was willing to sacrifice her well-being in order to protect her household. Further, God’s sovereignty in preserving David physically and in integrity reveals His greater redemptive plan. And, it also reveals God’s tender and intentional plan in including women in this great redemptive plan.