What are the different covenants in the Bible?

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There are seven specific covenants included in Scripture. Each covenant serves as a framework for understanding God’s character and His redemptive plan for humanity.

from the old testament

  • Adamic Covenant. Found in Genesis 1:26–30 and 2:16–17, this covenant is general in nature. It included the command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, pronounced a curse for sin, and spoke of a future provision for man's redemption (Genesis 3:15).
  • Noahic Covenant. This general covenant was made between God and Noah following the departure of Noah, his family, and the animals from the ark. Found in Genesis 9:11, "I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth." This covenant included a sign of God's faithfulness to keep it—the rainbow.
  • Abrahamic Covenant. This unconditional covenant, first made to Abraham in Genesis 12:1–3, promised God's blessing upon Abraham, to make his name great and to make his progeny into a great nation. The covenant also promised blessings to those who blessed Abraham and curses to those who cursed him. Further, God vowed to bless the entire world through Abraham's seed. Circumcision was the sign that Abraham believed the covenant (see Romans 4:11). The fulfillment of this covenant is seen in the history of Abraham's descendants and in the creation of the nation of Israel. The worldwide blessing came through Jesus Christ, who was of Abraham's family line.
  • Palestinian Covenant. This unconditional covenant, found in Deuteronomy 30:1–10, noted God's promise to scatter Israel if they disobeyed Him, then to restore them to their land at a later time. This covenant has been fulfilled twice, with the Babylonian Captivity and subsequent rebuilding of Jerusalem under Cyrus the Great, and with the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, followed by the reinstatement of the nation of Israel in 1948.
  • Mosaic Covenant. This conditional covenant, found in Deuteronomy 11 and elsewhere, promised the Israelites a blessing for obedience and a curse for disobedience. Much of the Old Testament chronicles the fulfillment of this cycle of judgment for sin and blessing when God's people repented and returned to Him.
  • Davidic Covenant. This unconditional covenant, found in 2 Samuel 7:8–16, promised to bless David's family line and assured an everlasting kingdom. Jesus is from the family line of David (see Luke 1:32–33) and, as the Son of David (see Mark 10:47), is the fulfillment of this covenant.
  • New Covenant. This covenant, found in Jeremiah 31:31–34, promised that God would forgive sin and have a close, unbroken relationship with His people. The promise was first made to Israel and then extended to everyone who comes to Jesus Christ in faith (see Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 9:15).

from the new testament

  • The fulfillment of the covenants is found in the New Testament, but they originated in the Old Testament.

implications for today

While not all Bible scholars agree on every detail regarding these biblical covenants, it is clear that God has made certain promises. Some of His promises are to all people, and some are limited to Israel. All of God's promises are based on who He is and His plan for the world. Under the New Covenant, which Jesus sealed with His own blood, everyone is offered salvation by grace through faith. "And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21).

The revelation of God through covenants in the Bible serves as a framework for understanding God’s character and His redemptive plan for humanity. Each covenant—whether with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, or David—builds upon the last, progressively revealing God’s commitment to His promises. They demonstrate His faithfulness, justice, and mercy, showing that God’s dealings with humanity are rooted in His unchanging nature. The New Covenant, established through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, fulfills His other covenants and invites all people into a relationship with Him through faith (Acts 2:21).


  • There are seven different covenants in the Bible.
  • The covenants are God’s way of revealing Himself and His plan of redemption.
  • Most of the covenants are unconditional, meaning that they originate and are fulfilled by God.


  • What do these covenants reveal about God’s faithfulness and our role in upholding our end of the agreements with Him?
  • How can you apply the truths that these covenants reveal in your daily life and faith?
  • How do these covenants help you understand the way God has worked and revealed Himself in human history?


  • How do the conditional covenants (like the Mosaic Covenant) reflect God's justice and the need for human obedience?
  • How do the general covenants (Adamic, Noahic, and New Covenants) show God’s plan for all of humanity, beyond specific people groups?
  • How do the different covenants in the Bible help us understand God's plan and character?