How can I understand God as Father?

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The Bible calls God our Heavenly Father. As our Father, God loves, cares, disciplines, protects, and provides perfectly for all of His children (those who have believed in His Son, Jesus Christ).

from the old testament

from the new testament

implications for today

Some of us may wrestle with the thought of God being a Father because of our own relationship or lack of relationship with an earthly father. Sin has caused many fathers to abandon or abuse their children. The sin of fathers has destroyed marriages and ruined families. However, God is a perfect Father who loves and takes care of all His children. God is a Father to the fatherless. He cares deeply for the widow and the orphan. God is trustworthy who will never fail us or abandon us in our time of need (Hebrews 13:5). God cares for us more than we can even care for ourselves and knows us better than we know ourselves (Luke 12:6-7). The good news is that God loves you and sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to save you from your sin (Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:10). “For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NLT). Jesus died and rose again from death to pay the full penalty for your sin. By faith in Jesus, you can become a child of God and belong to a family called the church (John 1:12). As Christians, it is comforting to know we have a Father in heaven who loves us, will never leave us, takes care of us and actually wants us now and for all eternity.


  • God is a perfect Father who loves, provides, disciplines, and cares for His children.
  • Jesus reveals God the Father through His life, death, and resurrection, making salvation and adoption into God’s family possible.
  • Believers in Christ are children of God, assured of His eternal love, care, and presence.


  • How does understanding God as a loving and perfect Father challenge or encourage your view of Him?
  • In what ways can the failures of human fathers interfere with our understanding of God as our heavenly Father?
  • How have you experienced God’s care, provision, or discipline in your life?
  • How does knowing you are a child of God through faith in Jesus impact your daily choices and identity?


  • How can we help each other grow in trusting God as our perfect Father despite past experiences with earthly fathers?
  • What aspects of Jesus’ relationship with His Father inspire us to deepen our connection with God?
  • How does understanding God as Father shape the way we interact with one another as members of His family?